This is one of those books I re-read when it’s necessary. I love a great morning routine and it makes my day SO much better. When I loose it, I just re-read this book and I can just pick it up. If it’s too much for you, just cherry pick what works for you but I recommend trying everything. The first time I read this book I also did the workbook, good to have done at least one time! Definitely one of my favorite books.

This book is amazing for when you’re getting older and people are still expecting you to get kids. Everything about wanted and unwanted childlessness. Loved this.

A bit more chill book about ADHD. Just some personal experiences with discovering ADHD and everything it entails. It taught me a few things about ADHD that I didn’t know yet and a book full of recognizable stories.

A book about Rich and how he found his way to unlimited strength and shows that everything is possible if you just want it bad enough. Well, maybe not everything, but a lot 😉

In my personal and professional life I love to break through taboos. And this book does exactly that. She talks about loving her mom during her life but discovering that there was a lot wrong about their relationship. Also just a beautifully told story. Can’t say anything more about it without giving away the story. Just read it 🙂

For years, I had heard people discussing this book, but due to my tendency to avoid personal matters, I refrained from reading it. However, in the past year, I found a compelling reason to finally dive into its pages, and I’m grateful that I did. The book imparted a valuable lesson on placing my parents in their rightful roles and refraining from assuming a parental role myself. This newfound perspective brought me immense peace and created mental space for new experiences. Embracing the idea of allowing my parents to navigate their own paths has been remarkably tranquil, enabling me to redirect my focus towards self-discovery. Does this sound familiar? Read it and find out 😉

This book, along with its sequels, were undeniably the most impactful reads of 2023. They profoundly altered my life, providing invaluable insights into my own insecurities and shedding light on my parents’ behavior. They offered a clear understanding of what’s considered normal and equipped me with some tools to navigate these aspects of life. I recommend these to everyone who has trouble with their parents or questions about the way things went.

A wonderfully inspiring book if you want to look at minimalism from a different – and very realistic – perspective. I love the new insights that Ryan and Josh provide. They started as real career enthusiasts and found their way to minimalism.

If you’re already inspired to start organizing, take a look at “Spark Joy.” Marie Kondo was already well-known but has become even more famous through her Netflix series. While I’m not a huge fan of the Netflix series, I swear by the book. Her method is very well thought out and is incredibly accessible and helpful if you want to create a more peaceful environment. A tidy home works wonders for your mental tranquility. I often re-read this book (and that says A LOT).

Jelle has described a smoothly flowing story about his journey to minimalism in this book. A nice introduction for those interested in minimalism but don’t want to read only theory. You can finish this book in one go, and you’re immediately inspired to start decluttering.

Rick has summarized the most well-known productivity methods in this super Dutch, short, and clear book. In brief paragraphs, you’re told which steps you can take to gain more control over your life, starting with your schedule. A great way to reduce your stress levels.